I have been making Howie’s Cajun Dust for years for our use at home and as gifts to friends and family. Our daughter, who carries some in her purse, introduced it to several of her college friends and started a virtual cult following with near panics when she ran low. So many people have told me that I need to market it that I finally decided to give it a try. Howie’s Cajun Dust isn’t one of those high-octane tongue scorchers but a blend of spices that gives a smooth, pleasant, Cajun inspired flavor to a wide variety of dishes. People enjoy my dust on meats, seafood, soups, vegetables, eggs, salads, sandwiches, and much more. Use it at the table like salt and pepper. It’s great on french fries! I hope you find it as enjoyable as so many others do. If you do, please tell your friends. Thank you and enjoy!